J.Lo a Better Singer Than Actress in Botched Romcom “Marry Me” (2022)

In theatres and on Peacock streaming service.

Director Kat Coiro finds some glimmers of final act sparkle to doll up the dirge of Marry Me (D+), which for most of its duration is misbegotten and monotonous and features one of the decade’s most chemistry-free romantic couples. Jennifer Lopez no doubt has considerable allure, and it’s on display in her costume, choreography and compositions, but wow, is her romance with Luke Wilson’s character a big ole clunker! The preposterous premise that Lopez’s pop music star character proposes from the concert stage to an everyman in the crowd keeps getting worse before it gets better. About thirty minutes before the end, Coiro and company put the narrative out of its misery and compensate with at least two great pop anthems, charming celebrity cameos including Latin star Maluma and a treasure trove of fabulous fashions. Most of the film simply doesn’t work, not for a lack of J.Lo trying. Wilson’s understated performance is simply no match for her singular spectacle, and surface gloss cannot repair this fussy and unfunny high concept.

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